The Little Red Ball
All was quiet in the playroom when...
Bounce, bounce, bounce went the little red ball,
He bounced off the table
And bounced down the hall.
He bounced to the garden where the air was clean,
Then began bouncing on the trampoline.
Bounce, bounce, bounce went the little red ball
He bounced on the trampoline
And felt so tall.
He bounced so fast and he bounced so high
He landed on a cloud that was passing by.
Bounce, bounce, bounce went the little red ball,
“This really is so very high,
I hope that I don’t fall”.
He bounced on the cloud and right up to the stars
And with a bounce, bounce, bounce, landed on Mars!
Bounce, bounce, bounce went the little red ball,
“I’m getting rather tired now,
And that won’t do at all!
I must get back to Earth and very, very soon,
But before I do, I think I'll bounce on the Moon.”
Bounce, bounce, bounce went the little red ball,
He bounced on the Moon,
Who didn’t mind at all.
He bounced from the Moon and onto the stars
And waved 'Cheerio' to the red planet Mars.
Bounce, bounce, bounce went the little red ball,
And as he bounced down to Earth,
The birds began to call
“Hurry up, hurry up! Morning is almost here!
You're not very far from home, it really is quite near.”
Bounce.... bounce…. bounce…. went the little red ball,
His tired little legs
Could hardly bounce at all.
He bounced through the window left ajar,
And no-one ever knew he had bounced so far.
Tot is obsessed with the moon and stars. She loves this poem, written for her by my lovely Mum, Linda. Post your link below and share some of your creations with us! For basic info on our Poet's Corner, please read tab above or click here.
What a lovely poem! Off to explore you blog some more :-)