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Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Camping With Kids - Some Top Tips!

 Its that time of year again and what better way to make the most of summer than to spend a few nights under canvas with your family. Camping can be a great way for your child to explore nature as well as having some quality bonding time with you. Here are our top tips for camping out with babies and young children.

Things to consider:
  • Sleeping - Smaller babies who are unable to roll over would be suited to a pop-up bassinet or for larger babies, pop-up bubble cots are the ideal place to sleep. For extra snugness, a small sheepskin rug for your child to lay on is perfect for a little extra insulation. Layers of clothing are easier to peel off a couple if weather is warm rather than trying to keep warm with blankets etc. I personally would opt for a warm junior sleeping bag for young children, one that is suitable for a chilly temperature! Its not much fun shivering during the night! Take extra blankets just in case.

  • Feeding - For young babies breast-feeding is the ideal camping solution to nourishment on-the-go. Prep some meals in advance - handy to give to a hungry tot while camp is being set up.

  • Fridge. Unless you have a shop on site, it is handy to take a small gas powered fridge. Albeit a luxury item, its great not having to worry about dairy products going off in you warm tent during the day. Also handy for keeping Daddy's cider and Mummy's wine cool too! You can pick up a second hand gas fridge for around £50 and new ones will cost £100 plus. See it as a long term investment into happy camping!

  • OrganisationTry to keep the tent tidy and these essential items close to hand. A small head torch means you can keep both hands free if you need to change a nappy or rock a baby back to sleep again.

Waterproofs and wellies
  • Clothing - Take more clothing than you need. Be prepared for the inevitable rain shower and falling over in puddles! Waterproof all-in-one suits are the perfect companion for a camping holiday, and lets face it, you are likely to see a muddy puddle or two when camping in the great British outdoors! Wellies are great protection in the mud, but really easy to slip on and off as you go in and out of your tent. 

  • A few toys - Don't forget to bring comforters and favourite teddies! Take favourite books, colouring and drawing paper, pens/crayons. Handy when you want them to have some quiet time or to keep them amused when you are busy.

  • Forget about bedtimes... you will only stress yourself trying to get your toddler to sleep at 7pm. Be flexible and put them to bed when they are proper pooped out! Usually bedtime gets easier after the first night under canvas, as all the time spent in the fresh air does the trick.

  • Pack a first aid kit and be prepared for splinters, stings etc. Antihistamines are also a must have in your first aid kit, in case insect stings cause swelling or if anyone is allergic to any pollen that may be in season. 

  • Dirt rules. Your children will get grubby. Very grubby. Accept it.  Don't worry about it... they will be fine! A few wet wipes for sticky fingers and a wash before bed is good enough for most, and you could always keep the antibacterial gel handy for more interesting types of grub... like cow poo. Enjoy it, become one with the grub.

Boba Air
  • A good baby carrier is a great thing for camping. Forget pushing a buggy through muddy campsites! We love the new Boba Air - the most lightweight baby carrier on the market, it is a great price and it packs away very small in its own travel pouch. Perfect for days out. If you are hiking its a good idea to bring a waterproof backpack cover to slip over the baby backpack in case of rain. That way baby stays nice and dry and warm from your body heat. 

  • Toileting. Most campsites will have on site toilets and showers. Its always handy to have a special 'wee bucket' or a potty to hand. It will save you traipsing to the toilet block in the middle of the night.

  • Keep your sense of humour... it will help no end! Be flexible and go with the flow. Enjoy watching you child explore the world around them. Take lots of photos!